Thursday 4 July 2013

It's a man's World

Forefathers, fathers, uncles, decision makers of our nation, leaders of families, and so on, and so forth. This is as it is, a mans world. I am hesitant to acknowledge this as a fact, a fact that we have to live with, on the account of I am that stubborn. The difference between a traditional woman and a modern woman is, the former has been impedance to change, cutting almost all ties with the word “change”. Do not turn your back on a man holding a gun, because at that particular moment you chose to commit manslaughter on your ownself through the hands of another man, this of course is, my own opinion, I hold myself responsible for this statement, I hold myself responsible for this article. The traditional woman in this content is cautious about turning her back on traditions of our forefathers in the belief that it is committing manslaughter on tradition. I do not blame these women, I respect them for being cautious and taking a stance, it is admirable.

I, the modern woman, I stand at my window this evening and take a look at the world, contemplating, trying to figure out what makes this a mans’ world. After all, my mother has taken care of me since I started wearing huggies, without a man beside her, my aunty gave me education when her husband passed away and had no man beside her. I raised myself away from any adults after school, with no man beside me, and now, I am a single mother, well, with no man beside me. I have grown up without a father, I have grown up with no man to look up to. Now anyone can understand why I am resistant to this particular saying “IT’S A MANS WORLD”. On the contrary, I am willing to accept this as long as they’ll be anyone out there who is capable of convincing me otherwise, make me understand what the fuss is all about, maybe I am just another naïve modern woman who’s overconfidence has overshadowed her sense of reasoning, enlightenment might be necessary, but I doubt it.

When it’s all said and done, I will be called naïve, young, foolish, disrespectful, ignorant, arrogant and sorts. I have been called these, hurtful, but I cannot make everyone fall in love with me. That will only mean that am not doing anything right. I have come to understand why I think this way, not because I have a natural resentment for the opposite gender, not because am an attention seeker. am a tall woman, I demand enough attention as it is. It is not an outburst, a cry for some sort of help, I am not trying to compete because am not in a race. I have come to understand and accept myself. This is the woman I am and will always be, no questions necessary. Learn to love and live with this woman, respect and take into account that underneath this tough exterior and the constant need to be recognized, is an ordinary woman with ordinary powers. A gifted woman, who’s already a sister and daughter, who will one day make a gifted mother, wife, and companion.

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